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Bike Walk RVA

Advocating for comfortable and connected places to bike and walk for people of all ages and abilities in greater Richmond. Biking and walking for everyday transportation should be accessible to everyone.

The Three Bs - Bellevue Bike-Friendly Business District

Bikes mean business. It’s a message carried successfully in cities across the country. If your business is accessible by bike and accommodating to those who arrive by bike, people simply will ride there. And they’ll buy your stuff, eat your food, and keep coming back. And building for and accommodating people on bikes is cheaper and requires less dedicated space than doing so for people who drive. That means more customers, per dollar, per square foot.

Can they take good routes to get there? Can they park? Can they eat outside? These are all things to consider. But a discount for riders is another great incentive. With the leadership of Bellevue Resident, blogger, and Bike Walk RVA Academy graduate Jason James, a bunch of businesses in the Richmond neighborhood of Bellevue are doing just that for Bike Month 2015.

Arrive by bike. Get 10% off. Eat, drink, shop, ride, be merry.

Happy Bike Month, and thanks Bellevue businesses! See the full list below, and look for the following window cling at participating shops and restaurants.


Bellevue Cleaners
Little House Green Grocery
The Mill
Nicola Flora
Omega Grecian Restaurant
Once Upon a Vine
Rich’s Stitches
Stir Crazy Café
The Eclectic Cottage
Expressions Hair Studio

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