Below are the neighborhoods/zones where we will select destinations for you to accumulate points. The list of actual stops will be given to you on the day of the event at packet pick-up. So no visiting things in advance! If you are a business or destination in or around the Pulse/Broad Street corridor, and you want to be included send us an e-mail and let us know.
- West End
- Willow Lawn
- Staples Mill
- Museum District
- Scott’s Addition (Cleveland Street)
- Science Museum (Robinson Street)
- Allison Street
- VCU (Shafer Street)
- Arts District (Adams Street)
- Downtown
- Convention Center (3rd/4th Streets)
- Government Center (9th Street)
- VCU Medical Center (12TH Street)
- Main Street Station
- East End
- Shockoe Bottom
- Route 5
- Rocketts Landing