
Sports Backers Blog

Marathon Training Team Coach Q&A: Victoria Maddocks

Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing a Q&A series that features each Sports Backers Marathon Training Team coach in an effort to share more about the Marathon Training Team and the work the coaches put into helping participants reach their goals for the VCU Health Richmond Marathon on November 16. As we get closer to race day, you’ll have the chance to learn about the great things going on within the Marathon Training Team.

Featured Coach: Victoria Maddocks


What is your favorite thing about MTT?

“I love so many things about it:  the friendships, the accountability, the challenge, the feeling that I’ve accomplished more before breakfast than most people accomplish all Saturday…but my absolute favorite part of MTT is supporting my teammates on race day and seeing their courage, determination, and spirit as they strive for their goal. It’s so inspiring!”

How many years have you been with MTT, either as a participant and/or coach? Which team do you coach?

“I started running with MTT in 2007 and coaching in 2009. I haven’t missed a year since. I’m an assistant coach with Quicksilver.”

Victoria Maddocks

Do you have a favorite memory from your time with MTT?

“The time I helped one of our runners meet his goal of qualifying for Boston. His energy and confidence were flagging just after he passed the stadium, and he was ready to accept defeat. All he needed was a little pep talk to get him back on track, and he was able to crush his goal. He did the work and the credit is all his, but I felt honored to play a small part in motivating him.”

What would you say is the biggest benefit that the program provides?

“Most people don’t realize that running is a team sport until they join MTT. The friendships and support during the training runs and on race day are amazing.”

What is the biggest piece of advice you would give to someone looking to start training for a marathon?

“Join MTT! We will get you there.”

Describe a typical weekend group run.

“We show up, bleary-eyed and yawning, half dreading, half excited about the run. The sub-team coach gives a talk until the head coach urges us out of the parking lot. We fall into a rhythm of running, chatting, and squinting at our directions, and before we know it, the miles disappear and we’re back at the stadium stretching, laughing, and eating freezy pops.”

What inspired or encouraged you to become a MTT coach?

“I trained for my first marathon on my own, and for my second marathon with MTT. When I realized how much benefit I got from the program, I wanted to pay it forward.”

Do you have a favorite place to run in Richmond?

“The trail loop! Buttermilk Trail and North Bank Trail.”

How many marathons have you done, and do you have a favorite memory or experience? What was your reason to run your first marathon?

“I’ve run around 15 marathons… I’m not very good at keeping track of the number. My favorite race was my first sub-four hour marathon. I couldn’t believe I actually did it and I was so proud of myself! I ran the first one as a bucket list thing and fell in love with the distance. I’ve been doing them ever since.”

What do you like the most about the VCU Health Richmond Marathon?

“The community support from the neighborhood beer stops to the entertaining signs. It’s such a fun day.”

The VCU Health Richmond Marathon takes place on November 16, 2019, and registration is available at

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