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Week One/Two Training Schedule

Here is the description of our training levels and the schedules for the first two weeks of training:

Novice and Walkers
You are excited to jumpstart or restart your fitness journey, you have been approved by a medical professional to participate in an exercise program and you have your eye on the prize- Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k presented by Kroger. This 10-week plan is designed to prepare you to complete the 10k, regardless of your speed. You have done minimal to light exercise. You want to have fun while getting out and moving!

Intermediate and Walkers
You have been walking or running routinely (approximately 9-12 miles a week comfortably outside) and you are ready to up your game and pace by adding some more intense workouts into your training schedule. This 10-week plan is designed to train you to race faster in the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k presented by Kroger, regardless if you are walking or running.

WEEK 1 (February 1- 7)

Novice and Walkers

Sat, February 1 1 Miles (CW)
Sun, February 2 Rest
Mon, February 3 1 Miles (IW)
Tues, February 4 Rest
Wed, February 5 1.5 Miles (RW)
Thurs, February 6 Cross Train
Fri, February 7 Rest

WEEK 1 (February 1-7)

Intermediate and Walkers

Sat, February 1 2 Miles (CW)
Sun, February 2 Rest
Mon, February 3 2 Miles (IW)
Tues, February 4 30 Minutes (TW)
Wed, February 5 Rest
Thurs, February 6 3 Miles (CW)
Fri, February 7 Cross Train

WEEK 2 (February 8-14)

Novice and Walkers

Sat, February 8 2 Miles (CW)
Sun, February 9 Rest
Mon, February 10 2 Miles (IW)
Tues, February 11 Rest
Wed, February 12 2.5 Miles (RW)
Thurs, February 13 Cross Train
Fri, February 14 Rest

WEEK 2 (February 8-14)

Intermediate and Walkers

Sat, February 8 4 Miles (CW)
Sun, February 9 Rest
Mon, February 10 3 Miles (IW)
Tues, February 11 30 Minute (TW)
Wed, February 12 Rest
Thurs, February 13 4 Miles (CW)
Fri, February 14 Cross Train

Conversational Workouts (CW)

The conversation workouts should be at a comfortable pace where you can carry on a reasonable conversation. These workouts are designed to help you increase your confidence and your mileage safely. Do NOT try to go as fast as you can!

Interval Workouts (IW)

After a 5-10 minute warm-up at a conversational pace, run or walk a little faster – somewhere close to your race pace – for 30 seconds. Recover and repeat for 4-6 times. Work towards 6-8 intervals of 45 seconds as your conditioning improves.

Recovery Workouts (RW)

These are easy workouts that keep you moving in between higher effort workouts. It should be a comfortable pace that helps to build your endurance and mileage. Recover workouts can help minimize soreness as well.

Tempo Workouts (TW)

Mentally divide your run into thirds – completing the first and third sections at your conversational pace. Run or walk the middle third at or near your race pace. This helps you practice maintaining your speed while minimizing risk of injury.


Cross-training is the action or practice of engaging in two or more sports or types of exercise in order to improve fitness or performance in one’s main sport.

Ideally the movement in your cross-training will be different, yet mimic your walking/form. Examples of great cross-training exercises: swimming, cycling, weight lifting, yoga, rowing, stair climbers, Pilates, pool jogging. If your fitness level allows, you may want to try a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, but avoid two back to back days of strenuous workouts.


Rest is as important to your training as your workouts. Rest days give your muscles a chance to repair and rebuild, making you stronger. Be realistic about your fatigue level and do not feel guilty if you decide to take an additional day off to recover.