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Sports Backers Blog

Hanover County: Bike Walk RVA wants to hear from you!

Do you want to see more comfortable, connected places to bike and walk in Hanover County and the Town of Ashland? IMG_1707We do too.

Here at Bike Walk RVA, we believe that people of all ages and abilities should be able to get around safely on foot or by bike. Whether it’s to get to work, make a quick trip to the grocery store, or simply to enjoy the outdoors, comfortable and connected places to bike and walk should be accessible to every member of our community.

Hanover County is taking steps in this direction. The Board of Supervisors recently created a Bicycle and Pedestrian Citizen Engagement Committee and will be exploring ways to plan for a more bikeable and walkable county in the upcoming Comprehensive Plan update. And we’ll soon be launching a Bike Walk RVA Academy in Hanover to help increase public engagement and advocacy throughout this process.

We want to tell you more about all of these exciting developments! That’s why we’re hosting two informal “Bike Walk Talk” happy hours in Hanover County over the next month. Please join us, have some food and drink, and let’s discuss how we can work together to make Hanover County a better place to walk, bike, and live for everyone.

RSVP for Bike Walk Talk: Mechanicsville on February 2 >>

RSVP for Bike Walk Talk: Ashland on February 9 >>

Hope to see you soon!

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