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Sports Backers Blog

Fitness Warriors Welcome New Class of Recruits

This blog was written by Tiffany Copeland, Director of Fitness Warriors


“Independent, Athletic, I been sweating. Doing calisthenics … I been working.
Working on my fitness,”- Lizzo.

Not only have these lyrics graced the speakers at our training sites, they ring true for the 11 tenacious women that make up the 11th class of Fitness Warriors.

Training kicked off in January and with the leadership of four Warrior Captains, Eboni Washington, Elicia Gordon, Danielle Saunders and Darrell Taylor the group has grown and stretched not only their bodies. They’ve stretched their minds as they take on the task of bringing quality fitness to the communities that need us the most. While the drive behind each woman stepping up is different, the mission remains the same, to inspire people to live actively. Some of our new volunteers like Stephanie Martin, and Diamond Mallory look to inspire Gen Y to prioritize their health. Others like Pam Stidham, are here to make sure that our senior population extend their lives and change their health narratives by finding joy in exercising. For our Warrior Jackie, its super personal.

“Nottoway County has the highest rates of chronic disease in all of Virginia and not event her hour-long drive (sometimes longer) could stop her from bringing fitness to her community. This cohort was personal,” said Tiffany Copeland, Director of the Fitness Warriors.

With so much change in the program and our communities it was important that we not only increased classes in our current service areas but that we were intentional in touching new populations. With the addition of the 11th class we are now able to offer two classes at many locations and added new sites to the Warrior Family.

New classes kicked off the first week of April with a brand-new community partner, The Appomattox Regional Library in Hopewell, and rounded out with adding Peter Paul Development Center to the mix at the end of April.

“We want to be the change, motivate others and show just how fitness can be fun,” said Captain Elicia Gordon. “Meeting the community and our volunteers where they are a vital way to assure the program keeps growing and building.”

We want to see our 42 weekly classes double in the next year because we know the need is there and we know that the community cares enough about each other to lend a helping hand. All they need is the skills and vehicle to do it.

“We’ll provide the skills and the vehicle we just need YOU to show up for YOU, “said Tiffany.

We challenge each of you to plan to join in any of our weekly classes, you have 42 options including options available on Zoom. Head over to and click on the schedule and make a true commitment to make a change for you today!


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