molly johnson
“MJ” and “Moose”

As one of our Event Directors, Molly coordinates our staff and volunteers to put on events that help all residents of Richmond reach their own personal goals while celebrating active living. She’s originally from Ashland, and came back to intern with us while she was at Virginia Teach where she graduated with a degree in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. After that we snatched her up and the rest is history. A lover of the outdoors, Molly spends weekends at her family’s river house in the summer, and stays in shape by trail running and working out with the November Project. While she’s a perfect fit at Sports Backers, it wasn’t always her first choice. Early in life she aspired to be a Radio City Rockette, but unfortunately learned that she wasn’t even close to making the minimum height requirement. She can also make one mean workout playlist, and you better believe there will be some old school Britney Spears included…and no she’s not embarrassed.
Email: [email protected]
Favorite Richmond Restaurant: Stella’s
Any Pets: Not currently, but as soon as she wins the lottery she plans to buy a whole stable of horses.
Celebrity you’d like to be best friends with: The creator of Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
Favorite Sports Backers Event: Dominion Energy Riverrock