lauren millard

Lauren has what we call an aggressive social calendar. She’s always doing something, always going somewhere, and always up on everything new. As our resident restaurant expert she had a hard time picking a favorite so instead listed Laura Lee’s, Stella’s, Akida, The Greek on Cary, Edo’s, The Roosevelt, Proper Pie, Peter Chang’s, Sabai, and En Su Boca. On our sponsorship team she works to create awesome relationships with current sponsors, prospects new organization for us to work with, and promotes our sponsors through active living events. In her downtime you might find her going for a morning run or taking a trip to the Farmer’s Market to stock up on ingredients for an epic dinner party at her house (looking at you Supper Club). As a former JMU Duke she spent some time on the sidelines as a Dukette, which is not surprising considering one of her idols is Britney Spears.
Email: [email protected]
If you could have any super power what would it be: No need for sleep! Too many fun things to do each day!
Celebrity you’d like to be best friends with: Jimmy Fallon. I feel like we would be instant besties.
Favorite Sports Backers event: Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k presented by Kroger, but Half Marathon Training Team is one of my favorite ways to stay active. There is something special about so many runners out early on a Saturday morning all working towards the same goal. Team Dragons is obviously the best!