Events for kids

Cheering crowds, jitters of anticipation, the satisfaction of success—races and big events are fun!

Sports Backers events help to motivate and inspire new runners to achieve goals, and they celebrate the joy and thrill of being active.


Sports Backers Events for Kids

Atlantic Union Bank 10K Mini: A 1-Mile run just for kids! Ages 4-12. This a great distance and a great course for young runners. And their finish line? It’s the same finish as the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k, one of the nation’s biggest 10k races.

Twilight 1-Mile Kids Run: A 1-Mile run through the North Pole forest, also known as Mid-Lothian Mines Park. While the event starts and finishes at the CarMax Tacky Light Run, most of this course is on a trail! Ages 4-12.