Run & Fitness clubs
Check out the map to see where our Kids On the Move Clubs are located.
Every year Kids On The Move gets thousands of young people across our region moving through our support of local running, walking, and fitness clubs. We focus on reaching kids across the region- Church Hill to Swansboro, up to Hanover, down to Dinwiddie, out to Short Pump, and everywhere in between. Check out the Kids On The Move MAP to see where all the clubs are!
Volunteer coaches lead our clubs at local schools and communities. Clubs meet before or after school to run, jump, walk, and play together! Over time, young people in Kids On The Move Clubs improve their fitness, build a love for running and exercising, and prepare to participate in one of our events. This past fall, 30 Kids On The Move clubs came out to the CarMax Tacky Light Run and Twilight 1-Mile Fun Run, thanks to the generous support of Wells Fargo!

Want to get moving with a Kids On The Move Club?

Start a New Club
With just a few dedicated parents, teachers, or volunteers, you can launch a new Kids On The Move Club! Our coaching clinics and resources are here to guide you every step of the way.
Our programs would not be possible without the help of volunteers like you! We are looking for individuals who are interested and enthusiastic about helping coach at school and community-based kids running, walking, and fitness clubs.