Active RVA

Active RVA Certifications

Active RVA Certification and Awards program recognizes the Richmond region’s exceptional employers, schools, and early childhood education providers that are implementing innovative programs to promote physical activity. The Active RVA Awards presented by Cigna will take place on March 11.


Together with HandsOn of Greater Richmond, we coordinate a volunteer-matching tool to link volunteers that have time and talent with organizations that need them to support healthy kids, healthy communities, and a more Active RVA.


With your help, we can make this region a more attractive and vibrant place to live, where safe opportunities to walk, run, bike, or workout abound and where access to these activities are available to all—regardless of age or income level


Active RVA Certification and Awards

Created in 2013, the Active RVA Certification and Awards program recognizes the Richmond region’s exceptional employers and schools that are implementing innovative programs to promote physical activity. Hundreds of organizations have earned Active RVA Certification for their embrace of active living.

Active RVA At School

Making school communities active has a wide range of benefits for students, faculty, families, and the school community as a whole. 

Active RVA at Work

Whether you’re a small, midsize, or large company, it’s more important than ever to ramp up wellness initiatives at your office. 

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