Ashland Half & 5k prices go up at midnight! Register Now >

Fitness Warriors

Fitness Warriors

The Sports Backers’ Fitness Warriors program trains area residents who have talent, passion, and potential to be professional fitness instructors for Richmond’s communities with the highest rates of chronic disease. Whether you're looking for a fun way to get moving or need a supportive group to keep you motivated, we offer classes on a give what you can model. A small donation, inviting a friend to class, or supporting our instructors creates a ripple-effect—one seemingly small act of gratitude inspires our Warriors to keep going!

Warrior Classes

Whether you're looking for a fun way to get moving or need a supportive group to keep you motivated, we offer FREE fitness classes for every level of fitness. Check out our virtual and outdoor options and register for classes.

Become a Fitness Warrior

Are you ready to be the change in your community? Are you ready to commit to something bigger than yourself? Find out more about the Warriors by clicking below.


Our goal of becoming the most active city in the country simply won’t happen unless folks like you help support programs like Fitness Warriors.