10k championships & age Group Awards


April 12, 2025


Broad St. & Harrison St.



Start Type

Wave Start

Collegiate Running Association 10k Road Race National Championships

The Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k will again host the Collegiate Running Association 10k Road Race National Championships on April 12, 2025.

The only requirement for those interested in competing in the Collegiate Running Association 10k Road Race National Championship is that the participant must have completed at least one college course between January 1, 2025 and race day or be enrolled in at least one college course at any level at the time of the event. This requirement will provide the first opportunity for a true collegiate national championship that transcends all college levels.

For more information about the Collegiate Running Association, visit their website.

Collegiate 10k Road Race National Championships

Richmond Region 10k Championship

Calling all competitive local runners! The Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k is honoring the top finishers that live and train in the Richmond Region. Any current resident of the Richmond-Petersburg MSA is eligible.

Age Group Awards

Age Group Awards go to the top five finishers in all age groups. Age groups are: 9 & under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, and 85+.

Age group winners will be notified by email in late May with instructions on how to redeem their personalized award.


Ukrop's is the proud title sponsor of the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k.
Chick-fil-A logo
Clark Construction Logo
CBS 6 Logo
Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center
Kroger is the proud presenting sponsor of the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k presented by Kroger.
Virginia Department of Health Logo
Dowda Senior Consultants Logo
Fleet Feet Logo
Richmond Times Dispatch Logo
Richmond Family Magazine Logo
Atlantic Union Bank is the proud sponsor of the Atlantic Union Bank 10k Mini.
Reign Storm Logo
Think Logo
Brooks Logo
Smartbox Logo
Richmond Region Tourism Logo
Johnny Pops
Bon Secours Logo
Richmond Experience Logo

Register Now!

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of Richmond’s Biggest Block Party! You can run it, walk it, just don’t miss the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k presented by Kroger!