
March 7, 2026


University of Richmond


$75 – $115

Can’t make it to race weekend? You can now!

With the virtual option, you can still be a part of the Virginia Credit Union River City Half or River City 5k and earn the swag too!

How it works:

  • Register and complete your Half Marathon (13.1 miles) or 5k (3.1) miles anywhere you would like between March 1-9, 2026.
  • Use a tracking method (GPS device/watch, RaceJoy, tracking website or app, or treadmill reading) to be able to show us your run
  • Submit your results by the 9th to receive a finisher time and be added to our event leaderboard.

Virtual Event Pricing

Race Details

We will mail you your finisher items! All participants will receive a long sleeve participant shirt and finisher medal. Half Marathon participants will also receive a branded canvas tote.

How to switch to the virtual event

If you are already registered for the 2026 Virginia Credit Union River City Half or River City 5k and would like to switch to the virtual race, follow these instructions:

  • Log in to your RunSignup Account
  • Select “Profile”
  • Scroll down to “Upcoming Events”
  • Within the 2026 River City Half, select “Manage Registration”.

  • Select “Transfer Event”. Click “Start Transfer”
  • Choose “Virtual River City Half” (It will look like you are registering again)
  • Click “Confirm” to finalize switch
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