Sports Backers Blog
Welcome to the Sports Backers blog, where we share stories and updates on our mission to inspire active living in Richmond and beyond.
Episode 16 – Active RVA with Kristen Eichert
Episode 16 – Active RVA with Kristen Eichert As we gear up for the 2024 Active RVA Awards, Kristen Eichert, Sports Backers Corporate Sales Manager, gives us all the details on what it means to be Active RVA certified.

On The Move Podcast
Our podcast focuses on keeping people active and moving. Join Nan and Kam as they share inspirational and interesting stories – click the link below, or use the filter above to find podcast episodes.

There are 6,500 people annually who volunteer to make Sports Backers and it’s events and programs the successes they are.
With your support, we can make this region a more attractive and vibrant place to live where safe opportunities to walk, run, bike, swim, or workout abound and where access to these activities are available to all.